
Why It’s Important to Hire an Immigration Lawyer

Why It’s Important to Hire an Immigration Lawyer

Immigration law is a broad field that encompasses all aspects of visas and immigration status. Whether you want to come to the United States temporarily, or you wish to become a permanent resident of the country, it’s important that your case be handled by an experienced Portland immigration lawyer. An Immigration Attorney will ensure that all necessary documents are filed with the proper government agencies and that your case is acted upon properly. This is especially true if your case involves a deportation defense or if you are in removal proceedings.

Immigration is a process that can be difficult to navigate. There are many requirements that need to be met in order to become a permanent citizen of the United States, and it can take years to obtain your green card. This can be a stressful time for any family, and it’s even more important to have the right immigration lawyer to help you along the way.

If you’re in the process of obtaining your green card, an immigration lawyer can guide you through the process and ensure that your application is free from errors that could delay or deny your case. It’s also important to seek legal assistance if you need to remove the conditions on your permanent residency or renew it. In addition, if you have criminal convictions or have been outside the United States for an extended period of time since obtaining your green card, it’s a good idea to consult with an immigration attorney to determine how these issues may affect your ability to obtain citizenship.

There are millions of people in the United States who do not have immigration status and are at risk of being removed from the country if they are contacted by immigration enforcement. An experienced Portland Immigration Lawyer can help defend these individuals if they are arrested and face deportation proceedings. A lawyer can help them stay in the country while their case is pending and fight to keep their families together.

It’s crucial to understand that not all attorneys are created equal. There are many scammers in the immigration industry, and it’s easy to fall victim to fraud. It’s important to find an experienced lawyer with a strong track record. Look for a lawyer who is licensed by the state bar association and accredited by the Department of Justice to practice in front of USCIS and immigration courts. Never pay for a service from an unlicensed individual or firm.

Having a trusted Portland Immigration Lawyer on your side can make all the difference in successfully navigating the complex immigration process. With so much at stake, you can’t afford to take chances with your case. Contact an experienced Portland immigration lawyer today for a consultation to see how they can help you.

Oregon is a welcoming state, but there are still challenges for immigrant residents. Wage theft, gang recruitment and domestic violence are just a few of the problems immigrants face in this state. Fortunately, there are many organizations that can help. For example, VOZ(link is external), an advocacy group in Portland, works with Lewis & Clark students to provide free legal services for migrant and day workers. The organization also hosts weekly community dinners for its clients. immigration lawyer portland oregon

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