
Top Ten European Cities

Top Ten European Cities

Rome: Rome, the capital city of Italy is a city which has a rich culture and tradition. The city boasts of festivals such as White Night Festival that is worth seeing. Rome was the capital of the ancient Romans. There are many historical places of interest that would be a great experience to the visitors. Roman Coliseum, Palatine Hill, Pantheon and so on are a few historical places worth visiting. There are many museums and art galleries that would interest any art lover. Vatican city is another most sought out destination in Rome. One can enjoy the marvelous and mind-blowing artworks of Michelangelo at St. Peter’s Basilica and Sistine Chapel.

Athens: Athens is one of the ancient cities of Europe. It is the capital of Greece. Acropolis of Athens is one of the places of tourist attraction. Athens is the longest city in Europe and it has been inhabited for over 3000 years. Tower of the Winds, Temple of Olympian Zeus, Arch of Hadrian and Prynx are the main centers of tourist attraction.

Paris: Paris is the capital of France and is known as the “fashion” capital of the world. It is one of the most romantic cities of world. A trip to Paris would not be complete without a visit to the Eiffel Tower. Scaling this wonderful tower would give a breathtaking view of the entire City of Paris. Paris has the largest art museum in the world, Louvre, that houses over 35,000 pieces of art. This museum is situated on the banks of River Seine. This city has a colorful nightlife. Disney Land, Arc de Triomphe, Opera Garnier, Jardin des Tuileries and Champs-Elysees are a few places that are worthy of a visit.

Vienna: Vienna is the capital of Austria and also one of the nine Austrian states. This city houses more than hundred theaters and museums that are famous for their music, opera, ballet and artifacts. Vienna is one of the European cities, which is rich in cultural history. This city was founded in 500 BC and was a part of the Roman Empire. Vienna is a blend of traditional and modern European culture. Anchor Clock, Belvedere Palace, Burgtheater, Danube Tower and Danube Island are some of the places that attracts tourists every year.

Salzburg: Salzburg is the fourth largest city of Austria. This city is situated on the banks of the river Salzach. Renowned for its beauty, the “Old Town” of Salzburg is listed as the World Heritage by UNESCO because of its world-famous baroque architecture. One of the notable landmarks of Salzburg is the setting of the musical film “The Sound of Music”. Hohensalzburg Fortress, Residence of Mozart, St. Petersfriedhof, Helbrunn, Festival Hall and Rupertinum are some of the interesting and must-visit places.New Year Holidays

Barcelona: Barcelona is quite a lively city of Spain. This Spanish city has a unique blend of traditional and modern art, traditional and culture. Summer music festivals and flamenco shows are the major attractions in Barcelona. There are many restaurants and cafeterias that cater traditional Catalan cuisine, which is relished by the tourists. There are museums and galleries that house the works of Picasso. Some of the main tourist attraction points are La Rambla, Port Vell, La Barceloneta and Port Olympic and Barri Gotic. Entrümpelung Berlin

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