
Signs of Prostate Cancer in Men: Must Be Taken Seriously

Signs of Prostate Cancer in Men: Must Be Taken Seriously

American Cancer Society (ACS) made a presentation regarding the Cancer Statics 2009. ACS revealed that cancer is the second most common factor of death not only in the United States of America but also all over the world in 2006. They have estimated that in USA alone in the year 2009 292,540 men and 269,800 women will die due to cancer. The leading kind of cancer for men and women is lung and bronchus cancer. Secondary kind for men is the prostate cancer while for women it is breast cancer. The study revealed a declining rate of deaths especially in prostate cancer due to detection and early treatment. Signs of prostate cancer in men must be taken seriously so that in case a man has such type of cancer, he will have a better chance of survival. If early symptoms prostate cancer are diagnosed, there is a possibility that the patient or prostate cancer victim will be given new cancer drugs or will be able to undergo the latest treatment on prostate cancer. What are the signs of prostate cancer in men? This is the common query in prostate cancer questions and answers bulletin or section. The problem is that men do not experience early prostate cancer warning signs. Usually, doctors cannot identify a prostate cancer victim immediately. Patients are accidentally identified or diagnosed because of other diseases which the doctor think the patient has. If doctors do a physical examination, like a finger exam, it might be the time that they will know a tumor or enlarged prostate gland. Based on observation, these are what the prostate cancer patient experiences:1.    Men who have this kind of cancer urinate frequently during day and night time.2.    They experience problems in starting and stopping the urinary stream. Sometimes they feel like urinating but they are not actually able to urinate. Or they are able to urinate but with flow interruptions or a very weak flow. Only a very small amount of urine is released. 3.    They have a weak or interrupted stream. If the man with prostate cancer is able to urinate or pee, he feels that his bladder is still full. Doctors call this as full bladder sensation. 4.    They feel excruciating pain during urination or ejaculation.5.    They see blood in their semen or urine.6.    Pain is experienced by them in their lower back or pelvic region.Knowing the signs of prostate cancer in men is not enough. The above-mentioned symptoms may also be signs of other diseases. To make sure whether or not you have this type of cancer, a man may undergo Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) Test. PSA is adhered as the most effective test presently available for the early detection of prostate cancer. It measures the prostate-specific antigen in the blood. In case, you have undergone PSA and the result is negative, you should be thankful about it. If you are a man over fifty years old, you are prone to having prostate cancer. To clear your clouded thoughts, you undergo PSA. The earlier you know that you have prostate cancer, the better is the chance for you to avail the latest treatment in prostate cancer. fenbendazole for humans

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