
Is Fenbendazole Safe For Humans?

Is Fenbendazole Safe For Humans?

Fenbendazole is an anti-parasitic drug used to treat parasitic worms in most animals and, based on research reports from the European Medicines Agency, seems to be generally safe for humans to ingest. In fact, many cancer patients and survivors use animal anthelmintics (like fenbendazole) to support their treatments or prevent the recurrence of their tumors.

It is a well-known fact that anthelmintics have been shown to exhibit anti-cancer properties in laboratory tests. A number of scientists have found that these medications reactivate the p53 gene in cancer cells and inhibit tumor growth. The p53 gene is also known as the Genome Guardian and is believed to be responsible for controlling the progression of all cell processes, including the development of malignancies.

However, turning these lab findings into a viable cancer treatment is an enormous task. This is largely due to the high cost of developing and testing new drugs. In recent months, it has been revealed that fenbendazole, an inexpensive and widely available anti-parasitic drug, may be effective in the battle against cancer.

Given the widespread extra-label use of fenbendazole in pheasants and the potential for human consumption of these tissues, it is important to evaluate the risk associated with consuming pheasant tissue treated with this drug. To assess this risk, we performed a stochastic model to determine the sensitivity of different residue limits. This was achieved by determining how much pheasant tissue a person would need to consume daily to reach toxicologically meaningful concentrations of fenbendazole sulfone. This information was then compared to FDA and EMA liver tolerances for fenbendazole and pheasant liver metabolites, along with New Zealand and Japan duck liver tolerances for fenbendazole sulfone in pheasants. fenbendazole for humans

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