
Introduction Agency

Introduction Agency

An introduction agency, also known as a matchmaking service or marriage bureau (or matrimonial agency in the US), is a company that helps match prospective couples for romantic or other types of personal relationships. It is a type of business that provides its services either face to face, over the internet or by telephone.

Introduction agencies have a higher success rate than online dating apps and websites. Unlike online dating services, which use algorithms to match people, introductory agencies provide matches based on their knowledge of a person’s personality, interests and other qualities. They may charge a fee for their services, or offer them free to potential matches.

Many Australians who need care for a loved one, or who are looking to find love, have turned to specialised matchmaking companies. A Sydney man in his 30s, Mark*, says he was referred to Beau Brummell Introductions by a friend after he lost confidence in online dating sites. The firm claims 74 to 90 per cent of its clients find long-term partners within 12 months.

Managed agencies employ the carers they place and are regulated by the Care-Quality-Commission (CQC). They pay their carers sick pay, holiday pay and make national insurance and pension contributions. The client then pays the agency a monthly fee, with half of that going to the carer and the other half to the agency to cover administrative costs. Alternatively, a small number of introductory agencies only introduce the clients and their family to self employed carers who then work for them directly. Introduction Agency

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