
Employment Tribunal Representation

Employment Tribunal Representation

The employment tribunal process can seem intimidating and complicated both for employees and employers. The key to navigating this process and succeeding in the tribunal is preparation and ensuring that all necessary documentation is provided. This includes any evidence, witness statements and attending the hearing itself. For employers there is also a need to ensure that any documents or emails that are potentially relevant to the case are retained and not destroyed.

An employment tribunal is a legal hearing between workers and employers when there’s a dispute about an employee’s rights that can’t be resolved less formally. Tribunals are run by a Judge and can sometimes involve additional lay members who are expert in the areas of law being heard, such as equality and discrimination. The decision of the tribunal will be legally binding.

You can choose to represent yourself at a tribunal hearing or be supported by a representative. This could be a family member or a friend who offers guidance and support, or it may be a lawyer who is able to provide representation for you. Normally you will have to pay for this but check with your solicitor about any funding or legal aid options that might be available.

You may be eligible for free legal representation via an organisation such as Advocate or the Citizens Advice Bureau. These charities match people who need help with barristers who are willing to donate their time and expertise for free but they do have strict eligibility criteria and their services can be very busy. Employment Tribunal representation

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